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The Noble Qur'an » Al-Kauther ( A River in Paradise) - الكوثر
إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ الكوثر [1]
Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar. Al-Kauther ( A River in Paradise) [1]
فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ الكوثر [2]
So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone]. Al-Kauther ( A River in Paradise) [2]
إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ الكوثر [3]
Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off. Al-Kauther ( A River in Paradise) [3]
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